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InterEuropa Clinical Research B.V. starts operating under the trade name Saberg Clinical Research

Saberg Clinical Research is the new name under which InterEuropa Clinical Research BV will operate. Saberg Clinical Research is a trade name and has been registered with the Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands. InterEuropa Clinical Research B.V. remains the legal entity. We have opted for this change because the trade name "InterEuropa" was already associated with other European companies operating in various fields of activity. In practical terms, this change has no implications for any existing contracts, registrations with regulatory agencies or licenses. A gradual transition with regard to the email addresses and web domain is planned for the coming period. Meanwhile all InterEuropa email addresses remain functional and will serve as back-up after the transition.


The Netherlands (HQ)     Romania

Parkstraat 83, 2514 JG        17 C.A. Rosetti

The Hague                         Bucharest

P: +31 (0) 703 538 154        + 40 (0) 21 527 03 51

F: +31 (0) 703 538 333        + 40 (0) 21 527 03 10




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Saberg Clinical Research is a ​​​​trade name of InterEuropa Clinical Research BV

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